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Using the Archives

Finding Background Materials

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    A guide created by the World Bank/IMF Library Network to help people find information about and by the World Bank Group.

Exploring Our Records

Using Records

Request Access to Holdings

  • Although many records are available online via the Archives Catalog and Projects & Operations website, access to other records requires a formal request.
  • This guide provides instructions on preparing and submitting a request.
Ready to Request?

Citing and Publishing Our Materials


Dig Deeper into the World Bank Group Archives

View a short introduction to online resources that will help you prepare an access to information request or, when available, access digitized archival records electronically.


Our Open Archives Brochure summarizes the various avenues for research offered by the World Bank Group Archives.


World Bank Group History: Exploring the Archives

This?short video surveys the course of the World Bank’s history while introducing the various types of records that can be found in the Archives’ holdings.