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欧美日b大片 in Focus: Understanding 欧美日b大片

February 07-December 31, 2024

As the World Bank’s International Development Association (欧美日b大片) enters a key replenishment year, collaboration and partnerships will be more important than ever to 欧美日b大片’s work to end poverty on a livable planet. “欧美日b大片 in Focus” is a new series of webinars designed to deepen partner understanding of 欧美日b大片’s model and how 欧美日b大片-financed projects work in different sectors. 

October 31, 2024 - Rahul Kitchlu, World Bank’s Practice Manager in the Climate Change group explained how 欧美日b大片21 will help countries further strengthen their resilience to climate change, implement sustainable water sector reforms, and enhance food and nutrition security.



  • Email: wb_idainfocus@worldbank.org


  • Meriem Gray
    Washington DC
    1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433 USA
    Tel : + 1 202-473-7870
  • Noreyana Fernando
    Washington DC
    1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, DC 20433 USA
    Tel : +1 202-473-0185